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very fun!! even though i am quite bad at it, it made me feel not as pathetic (kind of)

(1 edit) (+1)

I had 3 Graves against this Watcher, gratz nobody



one of my fav games

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, my only real complaint is that the win/lose screens are slow. I'd love to see a sequel or "third pack" update someday. Maybe I'll even look into making a fangame of sorts once I improve at Godot.


Absolutely! Feel free to use/steal any ideas for your project, and I'd love to see it when it's done! :)


yo lectvs I beat you with literally just a splinter ball(it may have had 20 damage and 31 health but EH) also please add a log so you can see past battles, and one that allows you to see what replays of what you bought in shops and battles


Item idea: The One Ring

Costs 5 coins

Ball becomes invisible and cannot be affected by abilities. However, it loses the ability for item swapping, and only one may be available per game.


every time  i play this game my blood pressure spikes, not from the battles, from the shops, who doesn't love getting completely useless items in your shop 20 rerolls in a row 


 how do you unlock the alchemist ball


Win games with 20 different balls or items in total (they give you gold borders in the Ballmanac!)




Does shuffle give you balls that you haven't unlocked? or does it give you what you have, a pat on the back and tells you to go break a leg

Shuffle is like the other packs - you won't get balls you haven't unlocked.

you made me lose a run :(


(to lectvs)

(1 edit) (+3)

The Burner needs to be nerfed. Its ability is a better Fireball-

is there an apple release planned

No plans for an iOS release, sorry about that!


I beat you in matchmaking :D


So are all balls of a lower tier upgraded in the shop?

For example, if I had a 0 star tier 1 ball, and then the shop started selling tier 2, is it now impossible to get another 0 star tier 1 for upgrading?

That's right, but it's generally more efficient anyways to sell your 0 star ball and replace it with a new 1 star ball from the shop.

But what if the 0 star teir 1 ball had lots of stats you want to keep!? Then that means in teir 2, selling the ball to get a 1 star replacement is bad.

so don't do it then..?

It again depends. Do what you think will help you in the long run- its always better to do that, especially focusing on stacking abilities-


Some more ball ideas:

REACTOR: 2 atk 4 hp

Gain 1 attack every 3 times this collides with ANY ball

The bold 1 increases by 1 at every level

THEIF: 3 atk 1 hp

On PLAY, 30% chance to gain Theif Mask

The 30% increases by 30% of missing chance per level up

TROPHY: 2 atk 2 hp

On buy, gain HP equal to the number of wins this lap

RISER: 1 atk 1 hp

On PLAY, gain hp.

HP gains doubles at every level.

SMILE: 4 atk 10 hp

On collide with enemy, gain -2 atk.

The bold -2 increases by one for every level-up

(1 edit) (+1)

I lost my account... I was Butterballz :(

All my achievements... 

Oh no! :(

I also had one of those times where I had lots of stuff but lost my data

So you are not the only one. :|

yup mine got deleted as well, rip that

wait what! i did too! nooo

RIP nameless masses  


i have been playing this game for a year and only just now found out by accident that i could drag balls on top of each other to combine them ;-;


how?? 😳





had a pretty diabolical run with watcher, but my run got ended by some madman with stop sign 



that's crazy man i've never hit 16


bruh what is this keypad code

did I finish it?? "enter game code: beta", that's the end? I never found anything behind a bookshelf either

oh there's morse code

I had tried everything I could think of with the fish already...



idk if thell do steam release... STILL I CANT DO STEAM THO

No plans for a Steam release at the moment. Auto Balls is web and mobile only :)

Can you do my suggestions for balls and equipment and items? I'd be more then happy to get my stuff featured!


Cool game


Balls > No Balls


100% TRUE





White Hole: BALL 3 atk 5 HP

Repels all balls. The greater the level, the greater the force.


On start battle, create 2 clones of this with 2 atk 2 HP. (Activates first, no matter what)

Dollar Bill: BALL 1 atk 2 HP

Every time you go to the shop, gain +3 gold. On level up, increase gold gain by 2. (Max 9)

Anti-Dollar Bill: BALL 0 atk 10 HP

The opponent will have to PAY (atk)/2 gold next round. (Max 4) On level-up, nerf HP by 2 to buff ATK by 1.

Can't have Anything that includes repeating actions OR Anything that clones this.

Ultra Star Ball: BALL 0 atk 3 HP

On sell, give a random frozen shop ball stars equal to this ball's atk. ATK resets to zero on level up, to buff HP for amount of ATK nerfed.


On PLAY, buff atk for the amount of stars on this ball plus 1, but PAY 1 gold.

Ultra Trophy: ITEM

Buff all balls by 1 atk 2 HP. Can only be found if you lost last round.

Bullyer: ITEM

Buff a ball by 3 atk, BUT nerf a random ball that was not buffed by this for 1 HP.

PLS try to implement these in a future update. I WANT THEM (P.S. you will have to figure out the tiers for everything.)

(1 edit)

trycicle looks like a btter version of best friend:| 


How do i unlock this one?


click on it repeatdly


put the mouse on it and wait some time, the game will glitch when you see a qr code on your screen refresh the page and start a match, try to get a zombie ball on the first round without refreshing the shop when you get the zombie ball place it on the arena and refresh the shop 5 times to get the glitched ball but you didn`t unlocked it yet, play some rounds until you get the glitched equipment place it on the glitched ball, the game will glitch again and you will be in anothe place controling a girl. sorry if you dont understand this my inglish is bad


Equipment suggestions:

Cloner: On start, make a clone with 2/2.

Sworder: Do +3 damage for the first attack, +2 for 2nd, +1 for 3rd, and +0 for all attacks after that.

Rings: Take -2 damage per attack taken, but only for first 3 attacks.


Lets go train to the official discord tournament :D


Item Suggestions:

Cake: Give a ball +4 HP but -1 attack

Chili: Give a ball +4 attack but -1 HP

Battery: Give a ball +1 HP, an addition +3 if level 2 or higher

Bed: Give all balls on squad +1 HP

Mother: Either increase a ball's HP by 5 or decrease every other ball's attack by 1 unless 2 or lower.

Collage Cords: If you have 8 or more wins, double a ball's attack or HP, with 50/50 chance.




único brasileiro aqui?

Não não, tem vários. Eu inclusive sou o rei deste jogo e quebrei ele completamente, haha. Sou o último chefão, desbaquei o App Xephia e o Raynan u.u


Po, entra no discord pra falar cm o pessoal, vc teria que falar em inglês, mas o pessoal é bem legal


I'm such a flat foreheaded goofball because I done went and lost my cloud save info for the 3rd time. Meep.

Message me on Discord or Twitter and I should be able to retrieve your save code for you! 🙂 


Thanks!!!! Ill hit you up on discord!


nooo my beautiful hyper driver was nerfed!


Ball Suggestions:

Increaser, Teir II, 1 attack 4 HP

Every 5 seconds, heal 2 HP

On level-up, decrease the 5 by 1/5 of its current value

KO-er, Teir III, 1 attack 5 HP

On kill, gain 1 attack and 2 HP. (Max 3 activations)

On level-up, multiply 1 by 1.5, then round up.

Packager, Teir I, 1 attack 2 HP

When battle starts, 20% chance to multiply HP by 2.

On level-up, increase the 2 by .5.

Guarder, Teir III, 1 attack 3 HP

On hit, summon a 2 attack 1 health soldier with "When killed, increase every ally's attack by 1.".

On level-up, double 1.

Doubler, Teir III+, 2 attack 3 HP

When battle starts, double either attack or HP. (random)

If level 4 or higher, double both stats instead.

PLEASE INCLUDE THESE BALLS, LECTVS! I WANT THEM! (You may change teir tho cuz im not 100% sure if these teirs are fair enough.)


You can suggest that in the Auto Balls discord, and you can also share your Ballmanac progress to be in the credits too.


Cool ideas! 😀





You'll need to  100% complete the Ballmanac... or ask around on the Discord. 😉


what is the discord severs name


Auto Balls!


Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW

Give it NOW


Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls


:O  Absolutely profound comment, 10/10 would read again.


So, i'll give you the opportunity to read it again:

Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls


yay new update


Gasp, an Auto Balls update with new balls to play with! The time has come to thoroughly explore some new balls.




No balls?


lá ele

funny meme XD



can't wait for 1.3

would join discord but i angered the discord mafia so no

but sad part is

data go bye bye

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

The first and only ball selection should allow you to random the inventory. I find it's a little silly playing with pointless balls, it forces the user to f5 remake to get something not terrible. bad game design? Or bad Player?

Or Just allow all core balls to be picked from start.

other than that, I find this game pretty fun!


I find fun to win a game with the balls the game give to me, and discovering the meta is always fun

There are objectively bad balls to begin with. 

I've not played in a month, so I can't remember! Wouldn't take long again to find worse to best. 


Pls, translation to Portugueseee! ;-; (Is so much text to read)


whoa this is cool! so many different synergies and strategies and the game feel is great. music is sweet. i got pretty far with a two-ball team of highly upgraded cue ball + spiker, it would either take out the entirety of the other team in about 5 seconds, or it would lose. 10/10!!

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